Fruit Salad …… yuummmmyy yuuummmy

I don’t do fruit.

On the dining table, is a fruit bowl.  In there is usually apples and bananas, since they benefit from not being refrigerated best.  In the fridge is a half a pineapple, a bag of nectarines, a bag of grapes,  and a very tangy pink grapefruit.

As I said …. I don’t do fruit.  As much as I need the potassium, the prospect of just picking up a banana, peeling it and eating it …. well it makes my tummy turn a little, which I am quite aware is ridiculous.  Same goes with pretty much any whole fruit.  I adore mangoes, but I have to be in the right mood to actually eat them.

But ….. I am a sucker for any fruit salad that does not include melon of any kind.  So tonight I cut up the above fruits (except banana which goes manky), and plonked it into a huge container.  This I will dip in for dessert and daytime snacks for the next 4-5 days or so.  I have no idea why having it cut up and mixed together makes a difference, but it does.

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