You Know You’re From Canberra When…

Got this in the mail today.

You are running late for work yet you still arrive before 9am.

You can see your breath in front of you at 7:30pm INSIDE THE HOUSE.

You can’t walk through a mall without greeting 10 aquaintances.

You RARELY go to the coast (and come back as red as a beetroot when youdo).

You whine about having to travel 30 minutes to see someone.

Your friends won’t travel 30 minutes to see you because they think its too

You travel from Tuggers to Belco or Gungahlin to have people say “Gosh,
you’re a long way from home.”

You think people who live in Belco and work in Tuggers are crazy (who’d want
to live over there!!!).

You think people who live in Tuggers and work in Belco are more crazy (who’d
want to work over there!!!).

Glow in the dark bowling becomes an appealing past time.

The Govt invites you to implosions as a “Family fun day”.

The highlight of your Wednesday evening is seeing Garema Place come up on
the The Panel on Channel 10

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from

I must admit it seems I am becoming a local.