
Well we have moved and we are connected to the world again.  🙂

We got all our furniture and stuff moved in about 4 hours, with the help of two very good friends and One Man Removals.  So a big thanks to Jason, Robert and Jeff from One Man Removals.  We were able to move all our stuff in two quick trips leaving only odds and ends for us to tidy up this weekend.

Beetle Time!

Every year about this time Canberra is infested with beetles that mate then die.  This morning I heard on the radio what these little beetles are called.

Now fair warning this is the real common name and not a joke at all.

The “Cockchafer“, yep you read right, beetle is a member of the Scarab or dung beetle family.  Their larvae live underground and come up to feed on crops at night.   The beetles  live a short eventful life, they mate the male dies and the female finds some dung to lay her eggs.

Unfortunatly in and around the city they are attracted to lights and end up lin large piles against buildings, a lot like a large squirming black snow drift.  The majority then die and start to smell a little.

One of the joys of summer in Canberra.

Moving, the good and the bad.

Firstly, as you know, we are moving to a bigger house with the same rent.  So this week we are doing all the organising… you know phone, power, internet etc.

First the good.

  • we get to keep the same phone number
  • we get to keep the same postcode
  • we are closer to my daughters school

Now the bad

  • Our energy retailer does not transfer accounts and wants to charge a contract termination fee
  • Our ISP thinks we are on a six month contract when I have been with them for nearly 2 years
  • and I hate packing!

Due to the ISP stuff I may be offline for a few days.

Busy, Busy, Busy

Over the last few weeks we have been so busy.

We had a family Christmas in Brisbane and on returning home we had to start house hunting.  The owner the the place we are currently renting is coming back to Canberra and for some reason wants his house back.

So we have found a place, just one suburb away, at the right price and size.  Now for the move….  ugh!  26th Jan is our move date and I have a couple of days off to help.

All this and a PILE of work 10 foot high at the office.

Wish me a good nights sleep.

Belated Wishes

To all I wish a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year!,  and an apology for being late with these wishes.

We have been away for the Christmas break, up with family in Sunny Queensland and now it looks as if we will have to move house before the end of the month.

I promise updates shortly, really.