Blue Moon and Spam

Ok tonight is a blue moon ! This is a very rare event and one that should be marked in some way, here in Australia we decided to call an election. Yay! 😕

Last month the America’s had a blue moon on the 31st of July. Well now it is our turn. Due to the confusion of timezones Australia did not get a blue moon last month, but that full moon became the first for us in August. Now approx 29.5 days later we have had our 2nd full moon.

Now I just got a piece of creative spam as a comment so I thought I would share (the content, not the links).

“Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup.”
not J.R.R Tolkien

Bad Tooth Fairy

My son lost his first tooth two days ago. Now we cleaned it up and put it in a special tooth holder, so the tooth fairy would have no problem finding it. Now we have a busy life at the moment, with me travelling each week Dani working 4 days a week and all of us working on our daughters school project.

I am not sure why but this seems to have prevented the tooth fairy from making it into our house and swapping the tooth for a dollar coin (what can I say inflation!). Not one but two nights in a row the tooth fairy has slacked off.

My boy came in this morning and said “Our Tooth Fairy is USELESS!!”

Better luck tonight.

Update:Well the tooth fairy came and found a tooth AND 10 cents. Seems my boy is prepared to PAY the tooth fairy to take his tooth away. Boy do I feel bad. 😳