26 things the photographic scavenger hunt

Ok sh1ft.org has created a scavenger hunt with a difference. You have to take 26 photos, one in each category.

As I upload the photos I will create links above.

Happy Hunting!

Someone has sugested that I don’t post the pictures till the closure date so as to not influence other people. So I am removing the thumbs but you can see the full versions by clicking on the word.

Well I made it, just.

Site Updates

Ok just a few more changes. I have added “Grins” and “Style Switcher” from Alex King’s site. These are very cool.

So now you can change the style (all but the Asian one are from Alex’s site) and the site will remember and I have smilies on the comments.


New Style

Ok as you can see I have done some basic changes to the style here. I am working on a style switcher extention for WordPress (if I can’t find one) so you will be able to pick the one you like.