Recovery – 1 month post surgery

Well as promised a post about my recovery.  Its been a little bit over 4 weeks since my surgery.  The difficulties of the first few weeks are past, but there are still difficulties to struggle with. Lifting is still a problem, although I have been given the all clear to drive.  Being able to get out and about is great, but since I can’t push a trolley or carry bags, its a bit of a hollow luxury.  Even fabric shopping is not an option, as lifting the bolts is out of the question.

And ….. I am tired.
Me tired

I am winding back my painkillers, and that in itself is causing a problem or two. See when the surgeon made the incision, unlike a c-section, it doesn’t go between the muscle groups. The wound is on the diagonal, and so it cuts through muscle and nerves. Large parts of my tummy are numb, but as they heal and join up again, I get a sensation similar to constant pins and needles, which then switches to pain. Although this isn’t severe, its wearing, but I can’t stay on codeine for long periods. Cutting back painkillers means I am feeling more pain, but, there is also a certain level of withdrawal. I am having problems with sleep quality, and a serious dose of the grumps. A few days back, I spent the whole day being unhappy about absolutely everything, and snippy with everyone. I know its temporary and “this soon shall pass”, but in the meantime I am limited in what I can do AND I flit around not being able to settle on what I want to do. Its frustrating for sure.

Now, I included my tired photo (above) and all this waffle so that the following image wouldn’t be the first thing that jumped out at the reader. I have decided that I will document my surgery and recovery, including a shot of the wound. Its not at all gory, being almost all healed. At the moment its still quite angry looking, but I am healing well I think. For the squeamish, this is where you log out and pop back for my next update.

Surgery scar

I debated whether or not I would put a shot of my belly out into the internet world, but I figured, this is a significant event in my life, so there is it. Anyway ….. I am tired …. I might go have a nap.

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