Dani’s Shoulder

Dani went into hospital last Tuesday to have her right shoulder operated on.  The doctors diagnoses Bersitius a while back but were not keen to refer her to a surgeon.  However after 18 months since the incident  that caused the problem and the shoulder only getting worse, we insisted on the referal.

So the operation removed the excess fluid, soft tissue and a bone spur found in her shoulder.  Within 3 days of the operation Dani had more movement than for the last 12 months, today she was able to brush her own hair and put it into a pony tail using her right arm.

The doctor is removing the stitches on Thursday and I will give you all an update.

Danis Fixed Shoulder
Dani's Fixed Shoulder


I got one of my photos in the local Canberra Times yesterday.

Tidbinbilla Meet - 21

A reporter from the paper joined the Canberra Flickr group for a walk through Tidbinbilla Nature reserve with the aim of writing a feature in the “Arts” section of the Saturday paper.  The reporter was great, genuinely interested and really great to talk to.  We spent an hour or two walking through the new sanctuary area in Tidbinbilla, around the wetlands and through the newly growing woodland.

The article was well written and covered nearly two full pages within the inser, with 2 large half page photos and two extra supporting photos.  My shot was one of the large half page shots prominently placed on the right hand page.  Imagine my dissappointment when I noticed they had attributed the photo to another Flickr member incorrectly.

Winter is here

It had been a mild winter up until about a week ago.  Over the last five days each morning has been below -3 degrees celsius in the mornings.  One morning is was -5 when I was heading into work at 8am.

Even our fish pond has been freezing just a little.

Frozen Pond

Early birthday present

My lovely wife decided that I could have an early birthday present.  So after much contemplation (about 5 minutes) I decided to pick up a new updated computer, and boy am I loving it.

New Toy

Difference between Car and Motorcycle Repair shops

My little scooter went in for its 30,000Km service early this week.  New tires were also required so I had a set of Michelins fitted at the same time.  Since I purchased the bike from this shop I automatically get a loan bike.

Now when I put my car in for a service I get a loan car.  This car is normally the oldest, smallest and cheapest car they have access to, they see the service as an expense to them.  However when it comes to the loaner bike the guy asks if I have a full licence with no restrictions before handing over the keys to a Kawasaki Vulcan Classic, 900cc VTwin Cruiser.  Vlucan

Admittedly not the most expensive bike on the lot, but far from the cheapest.  Now as you know this is probably the kind of bike that is least like my scoot.  Great to ride for two days (had to wait for brake pads for the scoot) but not my cup of tea.

New GPR Muffler

I purchased a new muffler for my Forza last week and fitted it yesterday. The G.P.R muffler is made in Italy and imported into Australia by GPS imports and sold for the very reasonable price of $499 (AU). The recommended this muffler over the Giannelli and leo vince systems, providing better sound and performance than both.

The first thing I noticed was how light it was compared to the stock, unfortunately without large enough scales I can only estimate the difference to be about 3KG’s (approx 7 pounds). The second thing I saw was the fact I could see straight through it.

Fitting was painless if a little fiddley. It’s shape and size means it’s outer edge is closer to the bike and fully under the body work. However it is a little longer and protrudes just past the back wheel. The sound is much “nicer” than the standard, however those not doing the K-Mode due to noise definitely should not get this muffler.

Riding the scooter afterwards (I did a 90Km trip suburb, freeway and backroads) the most noticeable difference came from the reduced weight.  Since the muffler is part of the unsprung weight, the reduction has
made the Forza more stable during cornering. If I hit a bump now during a corner the rear dampers can now settle the bike MUCH faster. The next thing was the improvement in holding speed up hills while going 100km/h or higher (indicated), this is a real blessing for me around Canberra.

New Muffler

New Muffler

Have a look at more photos my photos of the scooter

Front Plates

Road authorities in Australia are contemplating the introduction of front number plates on motorcycles and scooters.   They estimate the cost to introduce will be approx $70.6 million over 10 years, $10 million of that in an Education campaign.

Ok so what is the pressing reason for front number plates?  Why do we need to align ourselves with India and Singapore (the only other two nations in the world that enforce this)?

Well apparently to save lives.   The logic goes that if motorcyclists thought they were more likely to be caught for speeding due the the fact front facing speed cameras could “catch” them, they would then slow down and less would die.  Based on figures in Queensland where 17,000 Vehicles in one year could not be fined due to inadequate or lacking number plates.  Out of that number only 2,553 were motorcycles, that’s right approx  15%.  So it seems this would not be a large impact on the riding community, considering that the majority of these would be repeat offenders, the same people going to same route to and from work every day.  It could be as few as 10 people caught everyday.  (I don’t think it is only ten guys but it just shows how low the figures are.)

Many accident studies around the world have shown that it is not excessive speed itself that causes the majority of motorcycle accidents but poor road conditions.  1 in 5 single vehicle motorcycle accidents are due to things like potholes, loose gravel and oil spills are the responsible cause of motorcycle accidents, and roadside objects that cause most deaths.   87% of all motocycle accidents occur on Urban roads and 61% involve another vehicle.  61% of the time the other vehicle is to blame for the accident.

Based on the figures above I would prefer the $70 millions dollars to be spent on bad road conditions and driver education.  That would save more lives and target the problem areas.

Information in this post was from TwoWheels magazine and the Motorcycle Council of NSW

Quick update

Ok so as you can see the site looks a little different.  I have updated to the latest version of WordPress and decided that a new look was in order as well.  One theme change later and here we are.

Hope you like it.


Well I am still not well.  I am still getting headaches most days. My neurologist has given me a different set of tablets and at least they don’t effect my mood but they are not effecting my headaches either.

So I have decided to attach this problem on several fronts.  I have found a Chinese Medicine practitioner and he is giving my acupuncture and  herbal treatments and a Chiropractor to work on my neck and back.  They are both happy that I am seeing the other and believe that the dual treatment should work out for me.   Over the last week I have noticed some improvements and I am just praying that it is not a placebo effect.

If none of this works the neurologists next option is to give me Botox injections every 3 to 4 months.  Not my idea of fun.

Back on the Road

Today is a great day.  I got my scooter back today after 2 and a half months at the shop… yep 2.5 months.  The guy’s finally got the Stator back from the reconditioner in Melbourne and fitted it.

I got to ride it home today and seems ok (if a little dusty from the time in their shed).

So no more buses, no more lifts home it is all good.

Great Surprise

Yesterday work had a big function for the end of the year. Each business unit head presented highlights of the year and the Matilda’s Coach (Australian women’s soccer team) gave a talk on team work. Drinks and snacks were laid on and it was all very nice.

However the big surprise was that I was given an award, a nice framed certificate and $2500 to spend. So Christmas will be a little bigger this year and we might even get to celebrate our wedding anniversary.

Still here – Honest

Sorry for the lack of posts this year. Due to known issues and usual winter colds and flu’s I have been offline more than online.

Recently we moved our family to a new house and are still unpacking boxes and sorting out rooms.  During the move our phone company (who is also our ISP provider) lost the order to have the phone relocated.  This means we have been without communications (except mobile phone) for just over a week and still have a week and a half to wait until connected.

So if you have sent us emails or called up our phone number, sorry, we should be back online around the 8th Nov.

Till then have a happy time.

Creative Prose

My son’s (8 years old) homework includes the standard question “Make a sentence that includes your spelling words”.  So her are a few from his latest collection:

  • A shield get(s) battered and dented, a sword gets blood on it, the dark side is doomed.
  • Fourth does not get on the podium.
  • Why do I have to.. why.. WHY?

I love the last one, I think he wanted to stop doing his homework.  🙂