Getting Cold

Well over the last 2 weeks it has been getting very cold in Canberra in the mornings.

Every morning has been below zero degrees Celsius and we have had a minimum of -4 one morning. You all might be wondering if I still think the scooter was a good idea.

Well I am still riding, still enjoying it and still not frozen solid. Actually as yet I have not had to put on my winter pants or my winter liner in the Jacket. I am wearing the rain liner to block the wind and a jumper under that, with the winter gloves and a neck warmer I am doing fine.

Nearly 11,000Kms on the scooter now and no problems at all.


Ok today I did the test to get my Provisional Motorcycle License and as you guessed I have passed!

So I have 6 months on my P’s plates and 12 months to a fully open license.

Photographic Prize

I just got a real nice email today from the Honda Riders Club of Australia. I put the photo below into a competition and it seems I have been selected as a sub category winner!

I am still in the running for the major prize that they will draw at the end of the year.

— from Splinter(?)

Respected Reporter Dies

Richard Carlton dies while reporting the mine tragedy in Beakonsfield.

One of Australia’s most recognised reporter dies while working at Beakonsfield in Tasmania.  He suffered a heart attack and collapsed during a new conference at the mine.

Catch up time

Ok so work has been worse the last few months than I could possibly imagine.  However we just got the core of the project over and done with and things look like they might settle down.  This is so overdue as my home life has been badly effected by the current work load.

Now I have posted up some more photos from the weekend away with the family and I hope you all like them.

See you in a day or two.