Tricot Slip

Some time ago, I purchased some vintage patterns and fabric from a garage sale near me. The patterns were a selection of 80’s lingerie patterns, including this one ….. KnitWit 5100 – Ladies Petticoat. The best part about these patterns, is that they were plus size. Its rare to come across that in vintage patterns. The fabric is a huge fantastic piece of nylon tricot, easily 2m wide, and plenty for petticoats and slips galore.

I chose the slip style (view B), because view A relied on the elastic lace to support the weight of the slip, and I didn’t like that idea. I also reinforced the shoulder seams with a scrap of cotton fabric, as I knew there would be a lot of strain at that point. I could probably do with taking a bigger dart on the bodice, as it was a push to stretch it to fit the skirt panels, but still, I got there.

Tricot Slip

The hemline lace is a bit of indulgence I know and its reasonably heavy, but I like it. This slip is earmarked to go under floaty foofy dresses and skirts, so pretty lace is a must. Plus the weight of the lace holds the slip down, as I have known slips to creep up my body on occasions. Given the lace is rectangular, and the bottom of the slip was curved, I placed some strategic gathered points, to take up the excess, and then topped them with a natty little bow.

Tricot slip

Yes I know …… I don’t normally do girly. One on the bodice too.

Tricot Slip

The slip sits just below the kneecap. Considering I chopped close to 3 inches off when I traced it off originally, that was originally a long slip. I am looking forward to wearing a very useful wardrobe staple.

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