Secrets …….. ssshhhhhhh!

When my children were much younger, they were both very similar in their thought processes.  While most kids would just accept the presence of secrets in their lives, my kids would argue the point, accuse me of lying, and generally not understand the logic of why it was necessary to keep a secret.  So rather than breezing along, we had to establish “rules”, so they learnt what was an acceptable secret.

Put simply, a good secret, was one that would eventually make someone happy.  It was not allowed to hurt a persons feelings, hurt physically, be destructive, or dangerous.   Of course, this got tricky with the Santa/Easter Bunny issue, but by the age of non-believing, the fun of keeping the secret outweighed the fact that it wasn’t true.  As they got older they realised the our simple rules couldn’t really apply …… its just a fact that some secrets would hurt feelings if revealed.   But for my pedantic toddlers/young school aged kids, it suited the situation.

I have a secret.  Well actually a couple of secrets.  They are “good secrets”, projects I have been working on, that are gifts for someone special.

But I am abysmal at keeping secrets ………..  I am struggling to not blurt out.

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