
I got one of my photos in the local Canberra Times yesterday.

Tidbinbilla Meet - 21

A reporter from the paper joined the Canberra Flickr group for a walk through Tidbinbilla Nature reserve with the aim of writing a feature in the “Arts” section of the Saturday paper.  The reporter was great, genuinely interested and really great to talk to.  We spent an hour or two walking through the new sanctuary area in Tidbinbilla, around the wetlands and through the newly growing woodland.

The article was well written and covered nearly two full pages within the inser, with 2 large half page photos and two extra supporting photos.  My shot was one of the large half page shots prominently placed on the right hand page.  Imagine my dissappointment when I noticed they had attributed the photo to another Flickr member incorrectly.

4 Replies to “Published”

  1. Nice work! Shame about the mis-quote. 🙁

    Just bought myself a Canon 40D for our trip to Europe (Sept/Oct). I love it already.


  2. Ivette, thanks, I am very happy to get in the paper (even with the wrong name) and happy this guy stayed sill for one second for me to snap him.

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